Ways To Give Back: The Spirit Of Charity Giving

There are many reasons to give back. The simplest and arguably the most profound reason is just to help someone else who is in need. This is fundamental to who we are as humans, and it’s a noble thing to do that should be encouraged. Thankfully, there are encouraging signs that the spirit of giving is very much alive. For example, many people gave during the most recent Children In Need event – raising a record breaking £31 million. Amazing!

But sometimes you don’t really know how best to give back, but there are many ways that can be very rewarding. Let’s explore some of them in a little bit more detail.

Events & Fundraisers

There are numerous events and fundraisers that you can organise or participate in to give back to charity. These come in a variety of forms, and there is truly something for everyone. So there’s really no excuse not to get involved!

Some ideas for events and fundraisers include;

·         Sports Events – Undertaking a sporting event is a great way to raise money for charities. There are so many you can join, including the London Marathon or the London To Brighton Bike Ride that attract many participants. Alternatively you could find local events to take part in or organise your own.
·         Fun Events – Bake sales, fairs and just a good old fashioned community get together can help raise some money. Fun and games like raffles, egg and spoon or sack races can be great fun and help contribute to a good cause too.
·         Charity Stunts – If you really want to grab attention, you could organise a publicity stunt to raise awareness for your charity and its cause. There have been many successful stunts in recent memory. For example, some college students wore heels to raise awareness for charities preventing violence against women.

Events and fundraisers don’t just raise money, they also promote awareness. This is a very important part of giving to charity, as you may be able to convince others to give kindly to a charity and make an effort to promote the cause themselves.

Give With Your Wallet

Simply giving what little you can to a charity is a fantastic way to give back. Sometimes a good old fashioned donation is a great way to help a cause. You can give during many of the more high profile charity events like Children In Need or Comic Relief – as well as the other additional benefits that might come up. You could also sponsor someone who is taking part in a charity event themselves.

Another good way to give is by shopping in charity shops. Not only does this help raise money for charities, but it also allows people to have a chance to make use of old clothes and items that might otherwise go to waste. You could also donate your own items to a charity shop to help it raise more funds.

Many charities also have an online charity shop where you can buy things for a specific cause you’re familiar with. These are great for things like Christmas cards and gifts as you can give a thoughtful present that also helps a good cause.

Getting Businesses Involved

If you run a business, or know someone who does, you could try and get their business involved in giving to the cause. Even if you don’t know anyone, you could still approach local businesses and see if they can give anything. They might be willing to pledge a certain amount of money if they reach a certain target, for example.

Alternatively, many businesses like retailers will often accept a charity donation box and allow it to be placed in their shop window or counter. This can provide a steady stream of valuable donations that take advantage of the considerable footfall that many retailers have.

You could also potentially get sponsored by a business. Businesses love to show their charitable contributions to their customers and clients, as a result many will look for charities to work with. This can be a very valuable partnership, so it’s worth pursuing local businesses to see what they have to say and find out how they can work with a charity. 

Giving Back & The Spirit Of Giving

As we enter into the tail end of 2013, the spirit of giving is more alive than at any other time of year. Christmas and the holiday season are very important for charities, as it’s a time when many people get together to enjoy the festive spirit.

There are many ways to give, so keep them in mind this holiday season and take them into 2014 for a positive year of giving ahead.

Thanks for reading. Please check out the rest of my work for The Technoperative. I’d particularly recommend reading “The Importance Of Compromise In Environmental Awareness”.

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